The SELECT Statement

When you issue a SELECT statement, SQL Server will evaluate the parts in a very specific order:
1.      FROM
2.      WHERE
3.      GROUP BY
4.      HAVING
5.      SELECT
6.      ORDER
Since the SELECT part is where you will create aliases, you cannot use those aliases in any part that comes before the SELECT. For example, any alias cannot be used in the WHERE clause since it has not been parsed yet. But you can use the alias in the ORDER BY.
You can just select an aggregate function (such as SUM) and get a result. However, if you combine an aggregate plus some other columns being selected, you will also require a GROUP BY clause.
In general, it is best practice to explicitly handle NULL values in the inputs you are selecting. A single NULL can cause you whole expression to also become NULL. There are times when this is automatically protected against. For example, if you do a COUNT() on some column, it will skips NULL values and just give you the count of non-NULL records.