Sometimes you need to Extract/Transform/Load data en masse. In these scenarios, you will be doing bulk operations for performance. There is a Bulk Copy Program called bcp that can import and export data from/to a file. It is a piece of SQL Server. Instead it is installed along of it. You call it from the command prompt.
Within SQL Server, you can insert data from a file using BULK INSERT. There are lot of options you can specify, such as the size of the batch for transactions. You can also specify the name of a file to log errors to. The input file can be in CSV format. It can also be in some other custom format defined by a format file you specify.
Alternatively, you can use the OPENROWSET() function to bulk read data from a file. You must specify the data file input parameter as BULK. This bulk read can be done over a network. Under the hood, this utilizes OLE DB technology to get the data. Errors can be logged to a file you specify. The format of the data file can be CSV, or a custom format you define in another file.
Digging Deeper into DEPTREE_TEMPTAB
I had previously written about running a script to set up the
DEPTREE_TEMPTAB table in my schema. I knew it was used to track
dependencies. But I knew li...