There are multiple ways to generate an identifier to unique refer to a row in a table. You could define a column as a numeric type with the IDENTITY tag. The drawback is that this works for newly inserted rows, but not date already in the table. You also cannot choose your own value for that column. The system determines it.
You can also employ globally unique identifiers (GUIDs). These are columns with data type UNIQUEIDENTIFIER. This produces a 128 bit integer. The NEWID() function gives you a random value every time you call it. Put that value in the GUID column. When you look at it, the value will be show in hexadecimal. If you want to use GUIDs, and are able to let the system generate the values automatically like IDENTITY, you can use NEWSEQUENTIALID() instead of NEWID() in the column's default constraint. This leads to better performance.
If you want more control over the numbers generated, you can use sequences. The sequence is an object by itself not associated with any specific table or column. You define properties of the sequence at creation time such as the starting number, how much the value increments each time you get a new value, max/min values, and whether the numbers cycle back to the beginning when the max is reached. Use the NEXT VALUE FOR the sequence to get your generated ID.
Digging Deeper into DEPTREE_TEMPTAB
I had previously written about running a script to set up the
DEPTREE_TEMPTAB table in my schema. I knew it was used to track
dependencies. But I knew li...