Data Types

I have found that most of the SQL data types I know from Oracle are also present in the SQL Server database. Some of the same rules apply to these data types as well. Character literals (strings) are enclosed in single quotes. The FLOAT/REAL data type lets you represent very large or very small numbers. But it is not precise.
You can change the data type of a value using the CAST function. You specify the original expression and the type you want to cast it to. There is also a CONVERT function that works like CAST. CONVERT also let’s you specify a style for the conversion. ,Finally there is a PARSE function that also works like CAST and CONVERT. For it you also specify a culture.

There are modified versions of these conversion functions which help handle scenarios where the conversion cannot be done. These functions are TRY_CAST, TRY_CONVERT, and TRY_PARSE. Each of these returns a NULL value if the conversion cannot be done.